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Hope rises as Accreditation Teams give exit Reports

The University played host to members of the National Universities Commission (NUC) Accreditation Teams in the early part of June, 2017. The teams were in the university for the accreditation of two programmes namely- Fine and Applied Arts mounted at the College of Engineering and Environmental Studies, Ibogun Campus and Islamic Studies which is based at the Faculty of Arts, Ago-Iwoye,Main Campus.

While giving his exit report at the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, the team leader for Islamic Studies, Prof. Murtadha Aremu Muhbuddin thanked the university management for the warm reception accorded his team. He informed the Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ganiyu Olatunji Olatunde that the accreditation was a peer review exercise to ensure that standard was maintained. He revealed that his team was pleased with the facilities on ground in terms of office space for staff which according to him would enhance the research activities of thelecturers. Prof. Murthada also acknowledged the presence of enough lecture rooms and theatres for students. The team leader noted the provision of internet facilities and good toilets with uninterrupted water supply.  He stated that the presence of these facilities had created a conducive learning environment for the students.

However, he was not too pleased with the lowstudents’ population enrolment for the programme when compared to the number of eminently qualified staff on ground. He, therefore, advised the university management to reach out in order to attract more students to the programme.  He also suggested that the department should be granted access to the Language Laboratory to enhance the teaching and learning of the programme. He concluded his briefing by commenting that the accreditation exercise had been very interesting and ‘it was a wonderful and rewarding events.’

Similarly, the NUC accreditation team for Fine and Applied Arts led by Prof. Egunwa Osa did present its exit report to the Vice-Chancellor just few hours after the presentation of the Islamic Studies’ accreditation team. In his report, Prof. Osa noted that the accreditation exercise was a very challenging one. He stated further that the team adhered strictly to the guidelines as provided by the NUC. He told the management that his team was satisfied with the facilities they met on ground especially, the lecture rooms and the e-library, but pointed out that the university should try to make use of projectors as a tool for effective teaching.  The team leader remarked that he was impressed with the record keeping method employed by the department. According to him, all the students met the minimum entry requirements for the programme and there was no case of reported examination malpractices among the students. He commended the university management for ensuring regular payment of staff salaries.

Speaking further, Prof. Osa urged the management to embrace the idea of engaging staff on professorial cadre for sabbaticals rather than adjunct. This according to him would afford the university to benefit more from the constant presence of such staff. He also advised the department to place more emphasis on practical than theory. He suggested that staff in the department should be encouraged to go on residency which would enable such a staff to come out with a body of work for exhibition.

In his response, the acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof Olatunde remarked that having gone through the reports; he had no reason to doubt the objectivity of the assessment. He promised that the university would improve on the few areas where observations were raised. He informed the teams that university would attract more students for these programmes. On the issue of projectors, the acting Vice-Chancellor revealed that most of the modern equipment including projectors and public address systems had already been listed for purchase before the end of the year. He also pledged that payment of staff salaries would continue to be regular in order to guarantee industrial peace and harmony. Prof. Olatunde thanked the accreditation teams for doing a good job and hoped that by the time the final reports would be released, the university would have cause to celebrate.

<img class=”wp-image-8352 size-full” src=”” alt=”6″ width=”500″ height=”279″ /> NUC Accreditation for Islamic Studies in a group photograph with the Management<img class=”wp-image-8357 size-full” src=”” alt=”5″ width=”500″ height=”289″ /> Standing-Prof. Murthada Muhbuddin briefing the Ag. V.C., Prof. G.O. Olatunde about the ISS’ exit report<img class=”wp-image-8356 size-full” src=”” alt=”4″ width=”600″ height=”428″ /> The Ag. V.C.,Prof.G.O. Olatunde in a warm handshake with the NUC Accreditation Team Leader (ISS), Prof. Muhbuddin<img class=”wp-image-8355 size-full” src=”” alt=”3″ width=”600″ height=”360″ /> The NUC Accreditation Team (Fine &amp; Applied Arts) at the V.C.’s Office.<img class=”wp-image-8354 size-full” src=”” alt=”2″ width=”600″ height=”343″ /> The NUC Accreditation Team for Fine &amp; Applied Arts in a group photograph with the University Management<img class=”wp-image-8353 size-full” src=”” alt=”1″ width=”500″ height=”333″ /> The NUC Accreditation Team Leader for Fine &amp; Applied Arts, Prof. E. Osa presenting the exit report to the Ag. V.C

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