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Department of Mathematical Sciences Honours Professor Olayiwola Otolorin

Delegates from the Department of Mathematical Sciences from Nigerian Universities converged on the Adeola Odutola Lecture Theatre, OOU, Ago-Iwoye, on Thursday, 28th June, 2018 to honour Professor Olayiwola Otolorin of the Department of Mathematical Sciences who was  proceeding on his retirement after a meritorious service to the University.

In his welcome address, the Head of the Department, Dr. Timothy Olatayo stressed that the Department organized the symposium mainly to use the forum to honour Professor Olayiwola Otolorin who joined the services of the University in 1984 and rose through the ranks to become a Professor and whose personality loomed large in the Department.  He noted that the Professor was the only Professor of Mathematics in the Department at the outset and therefore, should be celebrated as he proceeds on retirement on January 31st, 2019.

He said that the celebrant had served the University in many capacities, including his current position as the Chairman of the University’s Staff Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Committee.  He disclosed that Professor Otolorin’s absence from the staff list of the Department would surely leave a vacuum that would be difficult to fill.  He called on the Management of the University to employ a Professor of similar pedigree to fill the gap.  He prayed for the celebrant that God in His infinite mercy should give him long life and good health.

In his remarks, the Dean, Faculty of Science, Professor Kola Odunaike, eulogized the celebrant whom he said was an embodiment of discipline and integrity.

He commended the Department for recognizing the scholarship, excellence, and industry of the celebrant.

In her contribution and good will message, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor (Mrs.) Ebun Oduwole, who stood in for the Vice-Chancellor, thanked God for the good life and health enjoyed by the erudite Professor.  She stressed that Professor Olayiwola Otolorin was been appreciated while he was still alive.  She emphasized that Professor Otolorin was noted for his dedication, hardwork and integrity throughout his career adding that “he is very slow to speak and quick to hear”.  She stressed that even in retirement, the University would still need the celebrant in the development of the Department.

She concluded that the celebrant was already enjoying the fruits of his labour seeing the number of Professors and PhD degree holders he had produced and who were In attendance to grace his glorious exist from the services of the University.

The climax of the symposium was the goodwill messages given by the audience and some of the delegates about the personality of Professor Olayiwola Otolorin.

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