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Celebrating The Pro-Chancellor @ 60

It was a very brief ceremony.  A get together that lasted for less than 20 minutes.  It was a surprise prelude to the commencement of the scheduled statutory meeting of Council.

The celebrant, Mrs. Mosun Belo-Olusoga who was expected to preside over the meeting as the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council was ushered into the meeting by the Management and Council members.  Listen to her remarks “Oh my God, what’s going on here.  This was supposed to be a meeting.  This is a coup.  A big surprise and I never expected it”.

It was indeed a “coup” well planned and executed.  The Pro-Chancellor was welcomed with the traditional “Happy Birthday to you” song.  A modest cake was cut with the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ganiyu Olatunde, Management Staff and Council members posing for photoshots with the celebrant.  Of course, the toast was delivered by the Acting Vice-Chancellor to the delight of all.

According to Professor Olatunde, he was excited to be involved in the celebration.  He described the celebrant as a paragon of beauty exuding unusual humility for a woman of her class and achievements.  He commended the Pro-Chancellor for excelling and setting the pace in a male dominated industry.  The Vice-Chancellor prayed that God in His infinite mercy would grant her more years on earth in good health.

Speaking in the same vein, Chief Samon Oderinde agreed no less with the Vice-Chancellor.  He described the celebrant as a colossus in the midst of men.  He reiterated the comment of the Vice-Chancellor by describing the celebrant as a team player while at the hot seat of the Governing Council meetings as she always carries other members along in all her decisions.  He added that Mrs. Mosun Belo-Olusoga was a reference point among her peers while chairing the Board of Directors meetings in her other task as a top banker.

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Also speaking, Dr. Charles Adekoya expressed his joy that the celebrant was 60 years old.  He attributed the continuous success of the celebrant in managing the male dominated council during their meetings to her positive attitudes to always allow members to express their feelings in a less rancorous manner.

In another remarks, Mr. Olaolu Olabimtan, expressed his excitement noting that the celebrant as a Chairman Board of Directors of Access Bank was very accommodating in her approach to governance.  He noted that in the banking sector where there was so much apprehension to issues and problems, the celebrant addressed them with gentle mien and positive action.  He added that these qualities of the celebrant had endeared her to staff and management of her bank.

In her response, Mrs. Mosun Belo-Olusoga, thanked all members for the cooperation she had been enjoying so far while on the saddle of the University Governing Council.

She reiterated her commitment to the service of the University while acknowledging the peaceful environment she had been saddled with by the Governor of the State.  She thanked everybody for putting up a surprise get together for her.

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