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Ramadan Lecture: G. O. Tasks OOU Muslim Community

The Vice-Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye, Professor Ganiyu Olatunji Olatunde, has urged Muslim faithful to always encourage one another towards good deeds and strive to forbid bad things in order to engender peace and development in the society.

Prof Olatunde, who also enjoined the adherents of Islam to use the period of Ramadan fasting to move closer to Almighty Allah, stressed the need for the University Muslim Community to be steadfast and strengthen the bond of brotherhood among members.

He gave the admonition in his opening remarks at the 2nd Annual Ramadan Lecture/Iftar organised by Olabisi Onabanjo University Muslim Community which was held at the University Central Mosque, Main Campus, Ago-Iwoye on April 29, 2021 (Ramadan 17, 1442 A. H.). The theme of this year’s lecture was, “National Security Challenges: Islamic Solutions.”

Represented at the event by the University Bursar, Alhaji Semiu Makinde, the Vice-Chancellor congratulated staff, especially the Muslims, for witnessing another Holy Month of Ramadan this year. He prayed Allah to accept the fasting and all acts of worship by the Muslim faithful in the institution.

Chairman of OOU Muslim Community, Alhaji Mikhail Lasun Gbadamosi, making a
brief remark at the event.

Prof Olatunde, who chaired the occasion, commended the Muslim Community for sustaining the Ramadan lecture after its maiden edition held in 2019, urging members to continue on the path of promoting social virtues and uplifting the society with moral rectitude.

He observed that the theme of the lecture was timely and appropriate in view of the prevailing security situation in the country. He further enjoined Muslims to be at the vanguard of issues that would engender peace and tranquility in the society.

The Vice-Chancellor said, “The theme of this year’s lecture is quite inspiring and very appropriate, particularly at this moment when we are experiencing insecurity in many parts of the country.

We should use this period of fasting to get closer to Almighty Allah so that we can get much reward. It is only Allah that can provide for our needs and help achieve our aspirations. We should use our positions to help one another. Let us be our brother’s keepers, not in crime or anything that is illegal. We should always encourage people to do the right thing.”
While pointing out that several valuable lessons abound in Ramadan, Prof Olatunde implored the gathering to let the teachings of the holy month continue to manifest in their conduct and affairs beyond the fasting period.

In his welcome address, the Chairman of OOU Muslim Community, Alhaji Mikhail Lasun Gbadamosi, lauded the Vice-Chancellor for his continuous interest and sponsorship of the Ramadan lecture in the University. He also commended the executive and entire members of the Muslim Community for rallying round to make this year’s programme a success.

Gbadamosi, who stated that Ramadan provides the avenue for Muslims to reawaken themselves and renew devotion and spiritual connection to God, urged them to spend meaningfully in the cause of Islam. He said the society would benefit immensely from the contributions of Muslims, adding that they must not shirk from their responsibilities.

Delivering his lecture entitled, “National Security Challenges: Islamic Solutions,” the Guest Lecturer, Dr Taofiq Oladimeji Solahudeen, bemoaned the preponderance of security breaches in Nigeria which he blamed on the failure of successive administrations in the country to provide the basic needs of the masses.

Dr Solahudeen, who is also the Chief Imam of Federal College of Education (FCE), Osiele, Abeokuta, declared that unemployment, poverty, ethno-religious conflicts, neglect of social responsibility and porous borders have exacerbated the security situation of the nation and called for urgent need to address the issues.

He said, “The state of insecurity in Nigeria is simply a function of government failure. It is the incapacity of government to deliver public services and provide basic needs for the masses – food, shelter and security. People are frustrated and have lost hope in Nigeria. The youths therefore look for anything to redress the inequality and injustice.”

“The failure of successive administrations in Nigeria to address challenges of poverty and unemployment, especially among youths, and unequal distribution of wealth are major causative factors of insecurity in Nigeria. And the effects of this problem cut across social, political, economic and religious aspects.

Despite all the intellectual enlightenment, despite all advances in sciences, technology and medicine, there is much strife, more tyranny, more exploitation, more terrorism, more unhappiness, more disease, pain and hunger, more poverty and social injustice.”

The scholar lamented how the poor security situation in the country had adversely affected religious activities. According to him, there used to be lots of Dawah activities in the past but such had reduced nowadays as a result of insecurity.

Dr Solahudeen, however, explained that Islam enjoins justice, fairness and equity for a sustainable and secured society. He said intolerance, tribalism and the neglect of salient principles of Islam by the people have worsened the security situation. In restoring peace and security to the country, the guest lecturer asked Muslims to first secure their individual souls as enjoined by the Holy Qur’an.

“It is evident that people violate Islamic principles of justice, fairness and equity. That’s why our society is like this. It is therefore incumbent on Muslims in general to ensure that justice, fairness and equity prevail in all deeds and relationships. Among the goals of Islam is to establish a just society. It is a Muslim’s duty to work for justice and reject oppression and injustice,” he submitted.

He noted that justice and peace are interconnected and as such, Muslims must be steadfast against injustice to restore peace. The cleric further called on Nigerians to seek divine assistance towards normalising the affairs of their country.

At the event, which featured recitation from the Holy Qur’an, questions and answers pertaining to Islam and the society were entertained while fervent prayers for peace and security in Nigeria were also offered.

Some dignitaries in attendance included the Chief Imam of OOU Muslim Community, Dr Akeem Adisa Akanni; the Dean, Faculty of Education, Prof Mustapha Olalekan Arikewuyo; and Deputy Registrar, Council and General, Alhaji Tunji Akintan, while members of the University branch of Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) were also present.

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