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OOU Plans to Deploy M & M Software

In order to have a competitive edge and take its research activities to the global level, the Vice-Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Prof. Ganiyu Olatunji Olatunde has given approval to Tangier International Company Nigeria Limited, the authorized sole reseller for Maplesoft Company products in Nigeria to train some selected staff of the University in preparedness to the deployment of Maple and Mapeism Software.

Speaking at the Training Workshop, which was held on Friday, 22nd March, 2019 at the ICT Centrethe Dean Faculty of Science, Prof. Segun Lawal who was representing the Vice-Chancellor disclosed that the software was the top tier of mathematics, science, engineering and finance disciplines in the academic and corporate worlds. He added that the deployment of the software would enhance research activities, improve data analysis and modelling. Prof. Lawal disclosed further that mastering the usage of the software would take one’s research to greater height and indeed meet international standard.

Engineer Kola Olabode who was a resource person alongside Prof. A. M. Okedoye made it known to about forty participants drawn from Faculty of Science and Colege of Engineering and Environmental Styudies that the “software are perpetual in that they do not expire”. He buttressed his point by affirming that “every institutional customer will get the next version of the purchased version free of charge and the license are concurrent”. According to him, many institutions are currently using Maple in Nigeria. Engineer Olabode, thereafter, promised to give participants in attendance a one month trial version of the software.

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