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OLATUNDE, Ganiyu Olatunji: Major Scholarly Publications

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    Thesis and Dissertation

    • Natural Resistance of four Nigerian Timber species to Termites with Particular reference to Amitermes evuncifer –  B.Sc. Dissertation
    • Damage threshold studies of Cletus fuscescens on Amaranthus Oleraceus   –  M. Sc. Dissertation
    • A review of Insect Pests of Cowpeas and their Control In Nigeria  – M. Sc. Term Paper
    • Studies on Cowpea Resistance to the Pod Sucking Bug, Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal (Hemiptera: Coreidae) – PhD Thesis

    Articles In Learned Journals

    • Olatunde, G. O.; Odebiyi, J. A.; Chiang, H. S. and Jackai, L. E. N. (1991). Identification of sources of resistance in cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata L Walp. to Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Insect Science & Applications. 12(4): 455 – 61.
    • Olatunde, G. O.; Odebiyi, J. A. and Jackai, L. E. N. (1991). Cowpea antixenosis to the pod sucking bug, Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal.  (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Insect Science & Applications. 12(4): 449 – 54.
    • Olatunde, G. O. and Odebiyi, J. A. (1991). Some aspects of antibiosis in cowpeas resistant to Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Tropical Pest Management. 37(3): 273 – 76.
    • Olatunde, G. O. and Odebiyi, J. A. (1991). The relationship between total sugar, crude protein and tannic acid content of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. and varietal resistance to Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Tropical Pest Management. 37 (3): 393 – 96.
    • Olatunde, G. O. and Odebiyi, J. A. (1991). Comparison of sampling time and techniques for sampling pod sucking bugs (PSBs) on cowpeas in Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Agricultural Science. 6: 36 – 38.
    • Mafiana, C. F.; Anaeme, I. and Olatunde, G. O. (1998). Breeding sites of larval mosquitoes in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Entomology. 15: 136 – 143.
    • Olatunde, G. O. and Shoaga, O. O. (1999). Laboratory evaluation of Deterioration caused by Callosobruchus maculatus F. on cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. West African Journal of Food and Nutrition 3(1): 66 – 74.
    • Olatunde, G. O. (2000). Relationship between the levels of infestation of Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. (Hemiptera: Coreidae) and seed yield of selected cowpea cultivars. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources. 16 (1): 124 – 125.
    • Adetiloye, P. O.; Oyekanmi, A. A. and Olatunde, G. O. (2000). Evaluation of four cropping systems in the control of maize stem borers and the effects on maize growth and grain yield. ASSET Series A, 2 (1): 55 – 61.
    • Olatunde, G. O. and Olatunde, A. O. (2004). Comparative effectiveness of Woodash and synthetic Insecticides in the control of Insect Pests of Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources. 20: 121-126.
    • Amusan, A. A. S.; Mafiana, C. F.; Idowu, A. B. and Olatunde, G. O. (2004). Mosquito Species Breeding in Ground Pools and Artificial Containers in Ajana, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Entomology. 21: 11-21.
    • Pitan, Olufemi O. R.; Alasiri, K. O.; Kintomo, A. A.; Babalola, S. O. and Olatunde, G. O. (2006). Studies on the occurrence and relative abundance of the major insect pests of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariff L.). ASSET (Nigeria). 6: 55-61.
    • Amusan, A. A. S.; Mafiana, C. F.; Idowu, A. B. and Olatunde, G. O. (2005). Sampling mosquitoes with CDC light trap in rice field and plantation communities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Tanzania Health Res. Bulletin. 7: 111-116.
    • Pitan, O. O. R and Olatunde, G. O. (2006). Effects of Intercropping tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) at different times with cowpeas (Vigna ungiuculata) or okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on crop damage by major insect pests. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Cambridge), 114: 1-8.
    • Oyekanmi, A. A., Olatunde, G. O., Adigbo, S. O. and Okeleye, K. A. (2006). Studies on the Evaluation of Insecticide Spraying Regimes on Cowpea Insect Pests and Yield. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 24(3-4): 563-572.
    • Pitan, O. O. R., Alasiri, K. O., Kinmoto, A. A., Babatola, S. O. and Olatunde, G. O. (2006). Variations in yield and susceptibility to insect attack in three varieties of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var sabdariffa L.) at different planting densities and fertilizer rates in a sub-humid environment. Journal of Horticulture & Biotechnology. 82: 49-54.
    • Olatunde, G. O., Biobaku, I. A., Ojo, D. K. Pitan, O and Adegbite, E. A. (2006). Inheritance of Resistance in Cowpea to Pod Sucking Bug, Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stal. (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Tropical Sci. 47(3): 128-133.
    • Soyingbe, A. A., Olatunde, G. O., Opeolu, B. O. and Bamgbose, O. (2007). Effect of Lead Pollution on the Performance and Protein Content of Two Soybean Varieties. Research Journal of Agronomy 1 (1): 26-29.
    • Bamgbose, O., Opeolu, B. O., Odukoya, O. O., Bamgbose, J. T. and Olatunde, G. O. (2007). Physico-Chemical Characterization of Leachates generated from simulated Leaching of Refuse from selected Waste Dumps in Abeokuta City, Nigeria. Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria. 32 (1): 117-125.
    • Pitan, O. O. R., Odubiyi, S. I. I. and Olatunde, G. O. (2007). Yield response of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp), to infestation of Aspavia armigera F. (Hem., Pentatomidae). Journal of Applied Entomology.131: 704-708.
    • Ilori, D. I., Bamgbose, O., Arowolo, T. A. and Olatunde, G. O. (2008). Pesticide residues in milk and milk products in Lagos, Nigeria. International Jour. Chem. 18 (1): 23-30.
    • Pitan, O. O. R., Tairu, F. M. and Olatunde, G.O. (2008). Varietal differences in the resistance of Corchorus olitorius (Malvaceae) to the flea beetles, Podagrica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection. 25: 21-29.
    • Ademolu, K. O., Idowu, A. B. and Olatunde, G. O. (2009). Morphometrics and enzyme activities in the femoral muscles of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) during post-embryonic development. International J. Tropical Insect Sc., 29 (1): 53-56.
    • Ademolu, K. O., Idowu, A. B. and Olatunde, G. O. (2010). Nutritional value assessment of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (L) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) during post-embryonic development. African Entomology, 18 (2): 360-364.
    • Ademolu, K. O., Idowu, A. B. and Olatunde, G. O. (2010). Hemocyte populations in Zonocerus variegatus (L) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) during post-embryonic development. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 53 (4): 470-473.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Mafiana, C. F., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Olatunde, G. O., Ekpo, U. F., Akinwale, P. O. and Toe, L. (2010). Biting behavior of Simulium damnosus complex and Onchocerca volvulus infection along the Osun River, Southwest Nigeria. Parasites & Vectors, 3(93): 1-5.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Mafiana, C. F., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Olatunde, G. O. and Akinwale, P. O. (2010). Morphotaxonomic studies on Simulium damnosus Theobald complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) along Osun River, Southwestern Nigeria. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 53 (11): 1319-1324.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Mafiana, C. F., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Akinwale, P. O., Olatunde, G. O. and Sanfo, S. M. (2010). Molecular characterization of the Simulium damnosus complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) found along the Osun River system, in Southwestern Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 104 (8): 679-683.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Mafiana, C. F. and Olatunde, G. O. (2011). Perception on bioecology of onchocerciasis vectors around Osun River, South-western Nigeria. J. of Public Health and Epidemiology, 3 (4): 162-166.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Olatunde, G. O., Akinwale, O. P., Ekpo, U. F. and Mafiana, C. F. (2011). Bioecology of Simulium damnosum Theobald Complex Along Osun River, Southwest Nigeria. J. of Rural and Tropical Public Health, 10: 39-43.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Akinwale, P. O., Olatunde, G. O. and Mafiana, C. F. (2012). Biting on human body parts of Simulium vectors and its implication for the manifestation of Onchocerca nodules along Osun River, Southwestern Nigeria. J. Vector Borne Dis. 49 (2): 140-142.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Olatunde, G. O., Akinwale, P. O. and Mafiana, C. F. (2012). Attraction of Simulium damnosum complex to Pterocarpus santalinoides: A Preliminary Study. Mun. Ent. Zool. 7(1): 368- 371.
    •  Adeleke, M. A., Akatah, H. A., Hassan, A. O., Sam-Wobo, S. O., Famodimu, T. M., Olatunde, G. O. and Mafiana, C. F. (2012). Implication of Cockroaches as Vectors of Gastrointestinal parasites in parts of Osogbo, Southwestern, Nigeria. Mun. Ent. Zool. 7 (2): 1106 – 1110.
    • Adeleke, M.A., Hassan, A.O., Famodimu, M.T., Ayepola, T.T., Adebimpe, W.O., Olatunde, G.O (2012). Public health risks of apples and carrots in Osogbo, Southwestern Nigeria, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 4 (8): 140-144.
    • Adeleke, M.A., Oyebamiji AA., Hassan, A.O., Adeyi, A.O., Wahab, A.A., Olaitan J.O., Olatunde, G.O (2012). Biolarvicidal efficacies of entomopathogenic microorganisms isolated from the breeding sites of mosquitoes in Osogbo, Southwestern Nigeria, African Entomology 20 (2): 290-294.
    • Adeleke, M. A., Adebimpe, W. O., Hassan, A. O., Oladejo, S. O., Olaoye, I., Olatunde, G. O. and Adewole, T. (2013). Laval habitats of mosquito fauna in Osogbo metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed., 3(9). 673-677.
    • Alebiosu, I. B., Olatunde, G. O. and Pitan, O. O. R. (2013). Variations in some traits of two silkworm Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Hybrid fed on mulberry leaves of different maturity stages. Nigerian Journal of Science, 47:1-7.
    • Alebiosu, I. B., Olatunde, G. O. and Pitan, O. O. R. (2013). Developmental parameters and cocoon production by five silkworm Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) hybrids at different feeding regimes. International Journal of Agriculture and Apicultural Research, 10:18-24.
    • Alebiosu, I. B., Olatunde, G. O. and Pitan, O. O. R. (2013). General performance and Cocoon Yields of two Hybrid of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) fed on Mulberry Leaves from Different Amended Soils. Annals of Tropical Research, 35:1-12.
    • Alebiosu, I. B., Olatunde, G. O., Adedire, M. O. and Pitan, O. O. R. (2014). Performance and Cocoon Yields of Two Hybrids of Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Fed on leaves from Pruned and Unpruned Mulberry Plants. Nigerian Journal of Ecology, 13:12-18.
    • Alebiosu, I. B., Olatunde, G. O., Adedire, M. O. and Pitan, O. O. R. (2014). Development and Cocoon Parameters of the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Fed on Mulberry Leaves Preserved for Different Duration under Tropical Conditions. Nigerian Journal of Ecology, 13:19-26.
    • Fasasi, K. A., Malaka, S. L. O. and Olatunde, G. O. (2014). Hierarchical effects of local attractants for swarms of honeybees, Apis mellifera adansonii (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Apoidea) in south-west, Nigeria. Bee World 91 (2): 51-55.
    • Babarinde, S. A., Pitan, O. O. R., Olatunde, G. O. and Ajala, M. O. (2015). First report of toxicity of Xylopia parviflora (A. Rich.) Benth. (Annonaceae) root bark’s essential oil against cowpea seed bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). National Product Research, 29 (4): 349-352.

    Technical Reports/Exhibition Report/Patents

    • Mejule, F. O.  and Olatunde, G. O. (1983). Determination of the shelf life of green leafy vegetable (Amaranthus spp.) in pots. Rep. Nigerian Stored Product Research Institute Research Report. 8: 63 – 67.

    In Edited Conference Proceedings

    • Olatunde, G. O. and Bamgbose, O. (1997). Utilizing Ecological Considerations in Pest Management Practices. Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Ecological Society of Nigeria, University of  Agriculture, Abeokuta, 23rd-27th November, 1997, (Ogunyemi, S. and Ojo, L.  O. Eds.). pp. 173-177.
    • Olatunde, G. O. (2006). Pest and Disease Control in Honey Bees. In Bee Keeping Practice and Medicinal Application (Edited by Omotayo A. M.,
      Oluwalana Sam, Jaiyeola, M. A. and Irekhore, O. I) pp 12-17. Tokabis (Nig.) Ltd.

      In Books

      Adetiloye, P. O., Okeleye, K. A. and Olatunde, G. O. (2006). Principles and Practice of Crop Production. Ideas and Innovation Publications. Nigeria. 299p.  


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