The Pharmacist Council of Nigeria th (PCN) has inducted the 19 set of OOU Pharmacy Graduands into the Pharmacy Profession. The induction which was done by the PCN Registrar – Pharmacist N. A. E. Mohammed at a ceremony held at the Faculty of Pharmacy Auditorium, Sagamu Campus on Thursday, th 28 February, 2019, had in attendance the representatives of the Governor of Ogun State, Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Ministry of Health, and other invited guests among whom was the Guest Speaker Pharm. (Mrs.) Bisi Bright, who presented a thought provoking Guest Lecture to the graduands.

Declaring the ceremony open, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ganiyu Olatunji Olatunde, ably represented by the Provost, Obafemi Awolowo College of Health Sciences, Prof. Adetola Olatunji expressed satisfaction on the success of the epoch making event which according to him signified the results of hardwork and perseverance. The Vice-Chancellor further congratulated the parents and guardians and enjoined them not to rest on their oars especially at this transitional but critical period of their wards life. He further reassured the Pharmacist inductees that the University had prepared them to meet the demands and challenges st of 21 century, as prosperous graduates.
In his address as the Special guest of Honour, the Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, CON, FCA, who was represented at the occasion by Mr Sofoluwe Oluwatosin of the State Ministry of Education, Science and Technology congratulated the graduands and the entire University Community for the successful event. He, therefore, charged the graduands to be entrepreneurial by thinking out of the box, carving a niche for themselves, and occupying the space.
In her welcome address, the Acting Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. (Mrs.) Oluyemisi Bamiro profoundly appreciated everybody in attendance, especially, the Guests for honouring the Faculty’s invitation at the shortest notice. She therefore thanked the Vice-Chancellor for his unflinching support to the Faculty at all times while also acknowledging the sacrifices of the PCN Registrar and the Guest Lecturer. While congratulating the graduands on this j oyo u s o c ca s i o n , t h e A c t i n g D e a n admonished them to make righteousness, integrity, hardwork, and the fear of God the bedrock of their future endeavour and choices, which according to her, would advance them on their path to destiny.

Delivering an induction lecture entitled “Distruptive Innovation as a Panacea for Best Pharmaceutical Practices”, the Guest lecturer, Pharmacist (Mrs.) Bisi Bright challenged the graduands to aim high in their future undertakings by “refusing to stay among the bunch” in any area they choose in the field of pharmacy. This she said was achievable by not only being innovative but disruptively innovative. According to her, Disruptive Innovation describes changes in the way things are that seem disruptive but will eventually align into an unprecedented and positive o u t c o m e . S h e a d d e d t h a t i n professionalism, “it describes new practices and methods which deviate from the norm, for the purpose of achieving unprecedented but successful outcomes”. While highlighting the urgent need for pharmacists especially the young ones to be religious towards realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world acclaimed public health expert recommended that health professionals including pharmacists should engage in the n e w l y i d e n t i f i e d a p p ro a c h e s l i ke Multidisciplinary Collaborations, Chaordic Mechanisms of Drug Delivery and Supply Chain Transformation, Therapeutic Interventions and Clinical Pharmacy optimization, Patient centred care, Empathy and Quality Assured Cost- Outcome Analyses.
I n h i s ow n s p e e c h , t h e Re g i st ra r, Pharmacist Council of Nigeria (PCN) Pharm. N. A. E. Mohammed equally congratulated the entire University Community, parents, guardians, and the celebrants. He admonished them to be the best they could to themselves in particular and to humanity in general. This he said was achievable by acquainting themselves with the Code of Professional Ethics which prescribes the professional and moral responsibilities to the patients, pharmacists, colleagues, other health professionals, your employers and the general public, among others.
Speaking further the Registrar reassured the new entrants that Pharmacy was a noble profession with opportunities for new graduates to have great prospects of practising in different fields such as Industries, Communities, Hospitals, Administration, Academia, and other human endeavours including Information Technology, Journalism, Publishing, and Governance. He however warned that adherence to the code of ethics was indispensable in the conduct of any Pharmacist in any field of human endeavour, as the Council frowns at professional misconduct in its entirety.
A m i d s t funfair and celebration s , t h e graduands supported b y t h e i r p a r e n t s , guardians, f r i e n d s , family and loved ones w e r e n o t only seen to be in happy mood after t h e i n d u c t i o n ceremony, but shouts of ecstasy that rented the air for the celebrations within the premises of the induction ceremony lent credence to the joyful mood of the graduands having toiled day and night to be part of the memorable annual event.
The highpoints of the event was the th administration of Oaths to the 19 set of 55 OOU graduands by the PCN Registrar and the presentation of PCN Prize to Best Graduating Student, Ola-Dauda Khalidat Oluwasanmi with cumulative GPA of 4.53.